Centre for Exoplanet Science

Events & seminars

Seminars and presentations associated with exoplanets

The Centre for Exoplanet Science  has a seminar series.  We are currently working on the schedule for Semester 2 of the 2019/2020 academic  year.

The Institute for Astronomy has seminars and informal talks that often includes talks on exoplanet-related topics, as does the School of Geosciences. The UK Centre for Astrobiology also has regular seminars that focus on astrobiology and habitability.

Upcoming seminars

Below we highlight some upcoming exoplanet-related events and seminars

SEBD10: Scottish Exoplanet / Brown Dwarf Spring meeting 2020

In this meeting we will hear about such work with the goal being to facilitate discussion and collaboration between Scotland-based exoplanet and brown dwarf researchers, and to provide a platform for junior community members to present results.

Previous seminars and events

A list of previous seminars associated with the Centre for Exoplanet Science.