Research opportunities within the Centre.
PhD studentships
Vacancies appear on an annual basis and available from individual Schools.
Within the School of Physics and Astronomythere are opportunities with the Institute for Astronomy, and Astrobiology projects in the Institute for Condensed Matter and Complex Systems. The also PhD opportunities within the School of GeoSciences.
Example projects for September 2020 entry are:
"Solar System PhD Projects" Supervisor: Colin Snodgrass
- "Exoplanet PhD Projects" Supervisor: Ken Rice
"Using a global 3-D planetary model to study the atmosphere of the early Earth as an analogue for Earth-like exoplanets" Supervisors: Massimo Bollasina, Giovanna Tinetti (UCL), Paul Palmer.
"How does lightning impact the atmospheric chemical composition of an exoplanet residing in its circumstellar habitable zone?" Supervisors: Paul Palmer and Leen Decin (KU Leuvin, Belgium).
Postdoctoral Research
In general, opportunities may exist. Inquire by email, attaching your CV and a brief statement of research interests, to exoplanets@ed.ac.uk.
We are happy to host independent fellowships that are available from, for example:
- Royal Society of London
- Science &Technology Facilities Council
Undergraduate Research
It is important that students engage with scientific research as part of their undergraduate experience.
As part of our degree programmes, we offer a range of Senior Honours and MPhys dissertation projects.